Women narratives in the north eastern region, particularly in Assam have been successful in depicting the contemporary socio-economic problems confronting the region for the last few decades. Prolific women writers at a discussion on women narratives at the second day of the Guwahati Lit Fest on Sunday focused some other universal problems of the region which they claimed to have given due importance in their writings and novels. But they agreed that they have yet to explore many issues. Mention they made of is the Nellie massacre of during the Assam Movement which did not confined to a few news papers and magazines. The gory incident finds place in a great deal of the women narratives. Award winning author Arupa Patangia Kalita said that the pains and agonies of the women have yet to reach the Hindi heartland. But they stressed need of good translators to break the barriers. Prolific writer Urvashi Butalia moderated the discussion’Women’s Narratives: The Personal Is Politics’ participated by Nandana Dutta.
The Press Club of Assam (PCA) has expressed concern over the recent controversy involving Assam Health & Family Welfare Minister Ashok Singhal and his alleged remarks on Bhaona, a traditional Assamese performing art form. The PCA has urged the journalist involved in the matter to clarify his stance, as the issue has sparked widespread debate and criticism.
The controversy began when a television journalist, associated with a news channel owned by the family of the State government’s chief, claimed in a social media post that Minister Singhal disrespected a delegation from the Gauhati Press Club (GPC). The delegation had invited Singhal to a forthcoming Bhaona performance in the city...
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