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Slow loris released

A Slow Loris was rescued from the Rangamati T.E., Nagaon on 14th evening by a team lead by Green Guard Nature Organization rescue specialist Dulu Bora and B.O., Udmari Forest Beat Office, Mr. Pranab Bora. The Slow Loris was snared by villagers in the nearby forests and someone reported to the manager of the tea estate. A security guard of the tea estate was also reportedly bitten by the Slow Loris, which is venomous, and taken for precautionary treatment. The area is close to where an Asiatic Bear cub had been rescued a few weeks back and the people there were sensitized by Dulu; his contact number was also shared and that probably saved the Slow Loris and the manager could inform him before it was killed. It was kept under observation at the Green Guard Nature Organization temporary rescue center, Chapanala and released back to the wild at Champawati, at the edge of the Swang R.F., this morning in the presence of forest staff, members of Green Guard Nature Organization and media.

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