Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi sought divine help to tide over the problems confronting the state these days. Addressing the devotees at a Durga puja mandap in Panjabari area in Guwahati on Wednesday, he hoped that the blessings of the goddess of strength will ensure lasting peace, progress and prosperity in the state. Accompanied by his wife Dolly Gogoi, the chief minister paid obeisance to the goddess and hoped that there will be new hope dawning in the lives of the affected people.
Panaji: Come June 2, Sunday. A promising workshop on science and technology will fetch no less benefit for the tech-savvy school and college students in Panjim. Courtesy the Ham Radio. Just they need to participate actively June 2nd@Jambul Café, Panjim.
The much-awaited 2-hour workshop will take you away to a fascinating world of amateur radio, popularly known as Ham Radio. The topic of the workshop will range from radio waves operation to the see live streaming demonstrations apart from the handling of the real radio equipment.
According to the organizers here, it will open the flood gates for the technology-savvy people to get to know the first hand knowledge of the basics of Ham...
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