Security forces apprehended three over ground workers (OGW) of Kamatapur Liberation Organisation (KLO) from two different villages on Wednesday morning during search operation in Kokrajhar district. Based on an input about presence of the link men of the KLO, a joint team of police and Rajput regiment carried out search operation and apprehended three link men from different villages under Serfanguri and Kokrajhar PS in Kokrajhar district. They were identified as Amit Roy and Nitai Roy of Bijulibari under Kokrajhar PS and Hitesh Roy of Nepalpara under Serfanguri PS. A country made riffle, two hand made pistol and 8 round live ammunition recovered from them.
KOKRAJHAR: The 10th edition of National Handloom Day 2024 was celebrated at Tukrajhar, Bengtol in Chirang district on Wednesday. The event was organised by the Department of Handloom & Textile, government of Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR), where several hundred weavers and cluster workers participated from different areas of the BTR districts.
Several handloom clusters were accorded financial assistance under the Bodoland Handloom Mission, government of Bodoland Territorial Region, to extend support while producing multiple handloom products in the Bodoland region. The executive members of Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR), Dhananjay Basumatary, Ranjit Basumatary, Daobaisa Boro,...
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