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The unseen causes of Novel Coronavirus

Away from the seemingly causes that led to the pandemic called Novel Coronavirus aka CoViD-19 it cannot be denied that it can well be attributed to the bitter spat between USA and China over trade.
The CoViD-19 could well be a creation out of vengeance after what we have witnessed in terms of sanctions on imports by both nations.

The arrest of Dr. Charles Lieber - the Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University for making "false, fictitious and fraudulent statements" to the US Defense Department about China's Thousand Talents Plan (a Chinese government program to recruit foreign scientists and researchers) and his affiliation with Wuhan University of Technology, by CIA makes it amply clear about the intent of China.

The question that arises now is, Was the CoViD-19 a bio attack?

But who is going to benefit from the trade stand-off between USA and China? Experts reckons that other nations are only going to benefit and we have already seen how India is coming closer to the USA.

The Indo-US relationship has filliped in recent times under the leadership of Modi and Trump.

Nowhere in the history of India, so far, can anyone find a direct to & fro visit by a sitting US President, right from its soil to the soil of the former and back, without any stopover visit to other regional neighbors as seen in the past.

The growing Indo-US relationship, pre and post "Howdy Modi" and "Namaste Trump", is viewed as a threat to the Chinese - which is known for taking stands that earned it the alleged brand of "traditional traitors".

The US accuses China for not doing enough in the initial months to control the communicable infective virus that was first noticed in its territory of Wuhan, allegedly in a government run laboratory close to Wuhan fish market, thereafter killing thousands and endangered millions of lives world over.

There are speculations in the US media that there is a possibility that the CoViD-19 disaster outbreak could be the accidental result of biological weapons research.

China is also accused of hiding the outbreak from the world and when it went out of control, it just spill over like hot milk.

Could it be out of vengeance that the bacillus was fuelled to spread worldwide to slow down global trade.

Well looking at the current scenario, world trade is at its fractional low.

China, although, was accused of hiding the initial outbreak but in reality it was in total control of it and one can even bet that it has the vaccine too, to cure it.

We don't know for sure how long the germ shall last or it's total lifespan but we can say from past experiences that China will come out sooner than later, suddenly declaring that it has discovered the cure for it.

The US is lashing out at China for all the economic losses it has incurred since the eruption of the virus and said that it will make the Chinese pay the compensation.

Will China be ultimately isolated, globally or whether India emerge over all.

We have to wait and watch.

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