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Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 22:23
JINTUL TALUKDAR, BAKSA: Baska police have picked up one more person on Tuesday in connection with...
Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - 21:23
Tension starts escalating in Baska a day before the Lok Sabha polling on Thursday.Several persons...

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AIUDF alleges lack of care in detention camp

14 May 2017 - 12:21pm | AT Kokrajhar Bureau
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Tai cultural workshop at Bokota

27 Feb 2012 - 4:14pm | Anup Arandhara
Tai Ahom Development Council, in association with Siu-Ka-Pha Tai Cultural Centre of Bokota is running a 15-days workshop at Purbojyoti Club of Bokota-Parijat of Sivasagar district from February...

Drivers stage protest against assaults

3 May 2017 - 9:01pm | AT Kokrajhar Bureau
Drivers of all vehicles gathered at JD Road near Assam oil, Kokrajhar to protest against physical assaults on a bus driver by a traffic police officer in Kokrajhar town on Wednesday which disrupted...

Indo-Bhutan Friendship mela concluded

3 Feb 2016 - 10:43pm | Hantigiri Narzary
The Subankhata Magh Mela cum Indo-Bhutan Friedship Mela  was concluded after eight-day long scheduled programme at Subankhata in Baksa district today. The mela has a significance step while...

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