The year 2013 rolled in eternity. The end paved the way for 2014. The event was marked with midnight celebrations in the state along the other parts across the globe. As the clock struck 00.00 people in large number come out to the public places to celebrate the event. Hotel and bars, parks and restaurents were teeming with people till Wednesday wee hours to welcome 2014 with all hopes and aspirations. Chief minister Tarun Gogoi along with many political leaders, parties and organizations wished the people on the occasion. Assam Times families also wish its visitors and well wishers a happy new year.
Geneva, March 9: A lesser known tribe and their pathetic plights in the Indian sub continent knocked at the doors of the United Nations which is holding its 34th session of Human Rights Council in Geneva. The Fase Pardhi community is scattered in Maharashtra, Karnataka. In his speech at a side event "Women and Child RIghts" dalit rights activist Vishal Kamble precisely threw some lights on the sub human condition of the tribe who are still living outside the village areas without any access to education, healthcare and potable. According Kamble, the governments have no dearth of schemes. But all of these schemes' have failed to percolate any benefit for them. As a result, these...
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