Chief minister Tarun Gogoi is set to finalise the new DGP by the next 24 hours following Jayanta Narayan Chaudhury's move join the NSG. According to the information available with Assamtimes, Gogoi is carefully examining the track records of 5 IPS offices cleared by the state security council on Saturday. These include Khagen Sarma, DK Pathak, Kulbir Kishan, RP Tawal and Rajendra Kumar. Notably, Chaudhury is seat to leave for Delhi in a day or two to take over as NSG director. Before that the chief minister will have to finalise the new DGP.
Kaziranga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its one-horned rhinoceros and diverse ecosystems, is at a critical crossroads. Known for its rich biodiversity and the harmonious coexistence of local communities with nature, Kaziranga's landscape and social fabric are under threat. The Assam government's push to boost tourism by transferring land adjacent to the park to private hospitality industries has sparked significant controversy, raising concerns over the rights of indigenous communities and the ecological future of the region.
The Push for Luxury Tourism
Today marks a significant step in the Assam government's tourism agenda, with the signing of another...
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