Workshop on youth and climate change
SMILE programme of Indo Global Social Service Society (IGSSS) is going to organize a workshop on Youth and Climate Change for college students and young professionals. The workshop will be held on 27th and 28th September at the conference hall of Indian Institute of Bank Management (IIBM). The programme includes talk by the experts, documentary screening on global warming and climate change, group works, debates, etc. There will be presentation on initiatives taken around the world by young people and how people from this region can take part in all these global events and raise their voice and concern related to climate change. It is to be mentioned that this year the international youth day also focused the theme of climate change. The recent youth version of Human Development Report (HDR) published by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) also deals with youth and climate change. But most often it has been seen that less number of participants from this region of the country participate in global events due to lack of sufficient information. The workshop will provide a platform to explore more and more opportunities for young people. Interested participants may communicate with the IGSSS office (5th By Lane, Rajgarh) or may dial 98642 27589 for further details.
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